Lada Phi don Ha ka Ram ruh, phim Dei ban Khuslai!Ka ram, ka-shah ka dei shi bynta jong ka jingim jong ngi ki briew katba ngi dang sdang ban ieng ha la ki jong ki kjat. Ngim dei ban…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
There is Nothing Wrong if you Can’t Afford!Shillong is one of the most expensive towns in running a retail outlet or commercial space. The starting cost of commercial space in…Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
Published inMisteriDesign ba Kyntiak & ba Bniah!Ngim da don lad than ban thied ki tiar ar sien lane lai sien hynrei ngi kwah ban thied shi synthied da kiba itynnad bad kiba bha khnang…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
We Just need To Give our Best!Whenever I wake up every morning, I am always filled with insight which makes me possible to keep on writing at least a single post a week…Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
When in Helplessness, just Accept!Often we come across in our career, we wish for certain things or support from the management to make sure that our business is not…Nov 26, 2020Nov 26, 2020
How did They Survive?I have thought a lot about our grandparents’ survival in the absence of roads and infrastructure, be it healthcare or nutrition. If the…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Seed Investment — A myth for Northeast Job Creators!A Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme or PMEGP would give you nothing less than six months of moratorium by the bank. For…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
When Exhausted, take Rest!When you are exhausted, take rest. Straining yourself won’t take you anywhere. Finishing your task is important but when you can’t…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
Why Vistara Safety Campaign is such a Flop!Some of us would soften say to ourselves, “ I have spent years developing a product and also studied consumers’ behavior but they just…Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020